Chú thích Tâm trạng

  1. Schinnerer, J.L.
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  3. Martin, Brett A. S.; Lawson, Robert (1998). “Mood and Framing Effects in Advertising” (PDF). Australasian Marketing Journal 2 (1): 35–50. Bản gốc (PDF) lưu trữ ngày 2 tháng 4 năm 2015. 
  4. A positive mood, 2010
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  6. Fedorikhin, Alexander; Patrick, Vanessa M. (ngày 1 tháng 1 năm 2010). “Positive Mood and Resistance to Temptation: The Interfering Influence of Elevated Arousal”. Rochester, NY: Social Science Research Network. SSRN 2086834
  7. Biss, R. 2010
  8. Ziegler, R. 2010
  9. Laceulle, O.M., Jeronimus, B.F., Van Aken, M.A.G., Ormel, J. (2015). “Why Not Everyone Gets Their Fair Share of Stress: Adolescent's Perceived Relationship Affection Mediates Associations Between Temperament and Subsequent Stressful Social Events”. European Journal of Personality 29 (2): 125–137. doi:10.1002/per.1989
  10. Grudnikov, K. (2011). “Circumstantial Evidence. How your mood influences your corporeal sensations”. Psychology Today 44: 42. 

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